Status of Shareholders

As of August 31, 2024

Total authorized shares 267,000,000
Total issued shares 54,291,435
Shareholders 40,127

Major Shareholders (Top 10)

Shareholder Name Shares Owned (1,000s) Issued Shares Owned (%)
Benesse Holdings, Inc. 33,610 61.90
The Master Trust Bank of Japan (Trust Account) 2,769 5.1
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 825 1.52
Isao Ishihara 400 0.73
UEDA YAGI TANSHI Co., Ltd. 326 0.6
WU ASSETS PTE. LTD. 270 0.49
Kyoko Ishihara 266 0.48
JP MORGAN CHASE BANK 385781 240 0.44
J.P.Morgan Securities plc 217 0.39

Note: In addition to the above, the Company holds 136 shares (0.0%) of treasury stock.

Distribution of Shares

The Number of ShareholdersIndividual&Other 6,145 people Financial Institutions, Crokerages, etc. 45 people Foreigners 68 people Other Corporations 50 people
Owned Number of SharesOther Corporations 44,574,000 people Individual&Other 4,360,000 share Financial Institutions, Brokerages, etc. 3,605,000 share Foreigners 1,750,000 share
*excluding treasury stock